Grand Paris

Paris / France / 2008

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Rogers Stirk Harbour & Partners - Sintesi progetto

To recognise world-wide ecological concerns and the likely impacts of global sustainability strategies is an act of urban responsibility. To ask how your city can transform itself to better respond to a sustainable future and to commission work to study what can be done to achieve that objective, is an act of vision and belief. The French government, the city of Paris and the Ile-de-France and its communes have shown foresight and leadership in launching the consultation on the question of the Grand Paris de l'Avenir - not only in response to global ecological issues but also in terms of socio-economic imperatives, urban developmental priorities and the everyday needs and quality of life of its citizens as a creative and dynamic urban society.
The commissioning of this study is a statement of belief in the potential and strength of the future city of Paris.
It is an act of citizenship on a large scale.
Our team applauds and respects that vision.

RSHP has participated fully in the consultation and study processes of metropolitan Paris and have debated with many expert voices and elected and designated representatives, in both formal and informal meetings and presentations. We have also participated alongside our fellow consultant teams - we have seen their work, which has informed and uplifted us. We thank them for the participatory dissemination of their visions during the consultation process.

We believe that their and our own teams’ reflections will enrich and catalyse further debate, decision making and action on the future of metropolitan Paris.

Of necessity, given the resources and time scale in which to explore such a vast territory, RSHP’s work has been focused on ideas, concepts and principles and not on fine detail. The detail must be the subject of further studies by expert hands in focused and specific areas.

Many of the ideas and concepts raised by our team may appear controversial, unacceptable and unrealisable, in that the perennial obstacles of cost, politics, socio- economic priorities and practical or technical difficulties block their paths.

However, this has always been the case - history has also proved that ideas, new concepts and new paradigms do emerge, survive, blossom and add to the fabric and the life of the city. The impossible often becomes possible - the unimaginable regularly becomes reality.

Metropolitan Paris has the power, the expertise and the will to adapt to its emerging longer-term needs. This is in evidence across the Paris region today. Change is everywhere around us. The Paris of today will adapt to the challenges ahead, becoming ‘Le Grand Paris’ of tomorrow, a metropolitan Paris better equipped to face the ecological, socio-economic and urban challenges of the future city.

Clear vision, good strategic thinking, high quality of design and environment and constructive citizenship will play a fundamental part in the quality of life and sustainable success of metropolitan Paris.
(Mike Davies CBE - Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners)
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    Rogers Stirk Harbour & Partners - Sintesi progetto To recognise world-wide ecological concerns and the likely impacts of global sustainability strategies is an act of urban responsibility. To ask how your city can transform itself to better respond to a sustainable future and to commission work to study what can be done to achieve that objective, is an act of vision and belief. The French government, the city of Paris and the Ile-de-France and its communes have shown foresight and leadership...

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