Il tappeto magico e la lanterna | PASQUALE LOIUDICE

Moscow / Russian Federation / 2016

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The project “The magic carpet and the lamp” conceives the idea of a square as a hub
of attraction for visitors in order to become a landmark for the neighborhood and the
Focusing on the physical features of the square, the project intends to value the
available space (interspace) increasing its awareness. The key idea is to view the
space as a “carpet” and a “lamp” interacting with each other. The whole layout is
defined by the materials and their physical features. In the interspace they acquire a
different consistency, being defined according to the hybrid nature of the gallery: light,
wood and asphalt.
The project eliminates spatial depth in the Arcade by removing the cladding of the
inner columns allowing a better view on the restaurants from the street and saving
bigger internal space. Depth is also cancelled by the meeting point between the
“fringes” and the “lamp”, which distinguishes the height of the gallery by making use
of the light and of its possible combinations as project material.
The “lamp” and the “carpet”, the two basic elements of the project, join each other at
1,55 mt, where the tilted “fringes” in the floor support the ultralight system
(aluminium frames and traslucent paneling) of the lamp. This meeting point is located
at eye level (1,55 mt) to allow the desired prospective crushing.
This approach is connected to the role of the carpet as a feature of the planar space,
without depth and therefore linked to the concept of usability of the project as a
comfortable entertainment place

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    The project “The magic carpet and the lamp” conceives the idea of a square as a hubof attraction for visitors in order to become a landmark for the neighborhood and thecity.Focusing on the physical features of the square, the project intends to value theavailable space (interspace) increasing its awareness. The key idea is to view thespace as a “carpet” and a “lamp” interacting with each other. The whole layout isdefined by the materials and their physical...

    Project details
    • Year 2016
    • Status Competition works
    • Type Public Squares / Urban Furniture / Museums / Conference Centres / Showrooms/Shops / Bars/Cafés / Pubs/Wineries / Restaurants / Lighting Design / Graphic Design / Advertising / Leisure Centres / Art Galleries / Media Libraries / Furniture design / Product design
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