The Beauty of Hand-Painted Tiles | Jane Wilson

Taking care of hand-painted tiles is easier than it looks. Melbourne / Australia

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The hand-painted tiles are often underestimated as a choice for the house, simply because they seem difficult to maintain and not so durable as the regular tiles. But the truth is that with the technologies available nowadays we can create hand-painted tiles, which are just as strong and resilient as some of the strongest granite tiles. Now people don't have to worry that the paint will come off the first time they clean their tiles or that they will crack under the smallest amount of pressure, because now the tiles are being treated with high temperature, which helps the paint dry better. I personally am a big fan of hand-painted painted tiles, especially those made for children. My daughter's room is filled with tiles of different animals, which helps her learn about the world around her. At first I was concerned about the cleaning, but after I consulted with experienced tile cleaners, I was advised to use only a solution of some warm water and a mild soap. Natural cleaning solutions like vinegar and lemon juice are not recommended here, because they will eat through the paint.

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    The hand-painted tiles are often underestimated as a choice for the house, simply because they seem difficult to maintain and not so durable as the regular tiles. But the truth is that with the technologies available nowadays we can create hand-painted tiles, which are just as strong and resilient as some of the strongest granite tiles. Now people don't have to worry that the paint will come off the first time they clean their tiles or that they will crack under the smallest amount of pressure,...

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