Kolding Library | Rosan Bosch

Rosan Bosch Studio has presented design proposal for Kolding Library Kolding / Denmark / 2015

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Rosan Bosch Studio has presented a design proposal for Kolding Library, aiming to turn the place into a lighthouse in the city of Kolding.

The design is based on the idea of a signal structure, which functions as a branding element for the new Kolding Library. This structure imagines blue colored cones of light from a lighthouse.  They cut through the library and illuminate its collection, while at the same time enveloping areas for exhibitions of current local topics. They meander through the many special places in the library, such as language café and foyer, and motivate to explore, find new knowledge and meet with others.

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    Rosan Bosch Studio has presented a design proposal for Kolding Library, aiming to turn the place into a lighthouse in the city of Kolding. The design is based on the idea of a signal structure, which functions as a branding element for the new Kolding Library. This structure imagines blue colored cones of light from a lighthouse.  They cut through the library and illuminate its collection, while at the same time enveloping areas for exhibitions of current local topics. They...

    Project details
    • Year 2015
    • Client Holding New Library
    • Status Unrealised proposals
    • Type Libraries
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