Cabinovia Dantercepies | Perathoner Architects
Sëlva / Italy / 2013
The morphological insertion of the buildings into the alpine environment was a major part of the project of the Dantercepies cable car. The valley, mountain and middle stations were all built out of cement mixed with sediments of local dolomitic gravel.
The original project had to be completely revised, adapted and newly approved due to two landslides in April 2013. Nevertheless, the project could be realised during summer 2013.
Nel progetto dell’impianto di risalita Dantercepies con le stazioni di Valle, Monte e Intermedia è stata data particolare importanza all’inserimento morfologico degli edifici nell’ambiente alpino. Le stazioni sono state costruite in un cemento con una particolare miscela di inerti dolomitici della zona. A causa di due frane occorse nell’aprile 2013 il progetto originale per la ricostruzione dell’impianto è stato totalmente rivisto, approvato e ricostruito nel periodo estivo dello stesso anno.
The morphological insertion of the buildings into the alpine environment was a major part of the project of the Dantercepies cable car. The valley, mountain and middle stations were all built out of cement mixed with sediments of local dolomitic gravel.The original project had to be completely revised, adapted and newly approved due to two landslides in April 2013. Nevertheless, the project could be realised during summer 2013. [IT]Nel progetto dell’impianto di risalita Dantercepies con...
- Year 2013
- Work finished in 2013
- Status Completed works
- Type Sports Facilities