Bicentennial Children's Park | Elemental

Santiago / Chile / 2012

7 Love 4,200 Visits Published

The project consists of over 1,800 m2 children’s playground, including tree houses, swings with harness, a forest of water spheres, and a toboggan cascade with more than 60 toboggans arranged on the hillside. The proposal uses the difficulties of the terrain to solve a classic dilemma of children’s games: make them either safe or entertaining? The hillside slope allowed us to reach enough height to make them fun, without being a threat to children’s safety. Furthermore, the perimeter fence of the park is a play area of 310m.




El proyecto cuenta con más de 1.800 m2 de juegos infantiles. Entre ellos se incluyen columpios con arnés, casas en el árbol, un bosque de esferas de agua, y una cascada de toboganes con más de 60 toboganes dispuestos en la ladera del cerro. La propuesta usa las dificultades del terreno para resolver un dilema clásico de los juegos infantiles: ¿Hacerlos seguros o hacerlos entretenidos? La ladera en pendiente nos permitió alcanzar la altura necesaria para hacerlos divertidos, sin que ello significara una amenaza a la seguridad. Asimismo, el cierre perimetral del parque es un juego de 310 metros lineales

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    The project consists of over 1,800 m2 children’s playground, including tree houses, swings with harness, a forest of water spheres, and a toboggan cascade with more than 60 toboggans arranged on the hillside. The proposal uses the difficulties of the terrain to solve a classic dilemma of children’s games: make them either safe or entertaining? The hillside slope allowed us to reach enough height to make them fun, without being a threat to children’s safety. Furthermore, the...

    Project details
    • Year 2012
    • Work finished in 2012
    • Client Parque Metropolitano de Santiago
    • Cost USD 4 MM
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Parks, Public Gardens
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