The Infection | GG-loop

This project seeks to generate new life, recreate a positive equilibrium, in a long abandoned space. Altamura / Italy / 2015

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When a body is sick it changes equilibrium, any method applied to cure it is actually perceived by the body as causing an imbalance initially, as an infection itself. Based on the Voronoi diagram, the furniture spreads its cells along the walls of the apartment embracing and purifying the entire space.

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    When a body is sick it changes equilibrium, any method applied to cure it is actually perceived by the body as causing an imbalance initially, as an infection itself. Based on the Voronoi diagram, the furniture spreads its cells along the walls of the apartment embracing and purifying the entire space.

    Project details
    • Year 2015
    • Work started in 2013
    • Work finished in 2015
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Multi-purpose Cultural Centres / Associations/Foundations / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Art Galleries / Refurbishment of apartments
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