Erzincan Airport

Hazan Architecture / Yakup Hazan Erzincan / Turkey / 2011

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Erzincan airport project, commissioned by DHMI (State Airport Authority), had started in March 2009 and was completed in 15 months. Erzincan Airport was the first major project initiated after the major earthquake. 

Airport terminal was spread around 33.000 m² with  50.000 m² apron construction and a car park capacity of 305 spaces over 16.525 m². All the construction including all electric and electronic substructures were carried out successfully.  

Designed by Master Architect Yakup Hazan, Erzincan terminal looks like a space station with its glass and steel design.

Smart, beautiful, environmentalist and visionary...

Erzincan Airport provides an easy utilization with its departure and arrival areas enclosed on the same floor. The rotating convex roof prevents snow accumulation during the heavy snow falls. 

Airport has a 2 million passenger capacity per year but it can be increased to 3 million by adding external jet bridges.  Further expansion by adding extra terminals to the side will enable a capacity of 10 million at no disruption to the architecture.

For Erzincan Airport construction project, 3.500 tons of steel, 3.000 tons of iron and 40.000 m3 concrete were used as well as recyclable internal structuring. 

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    Erzincan airport project, commissioned by DHMI (State Airport Authority), had started in March 2009 and was completed in 15 months. Erzincan Airport was the first major project initiated after the major earthquake.  Airport terminal was spread around 33.000 m² with  50.000 m² apron construction and a car park capacity of 305 spaces over 16.525 m². All the construction including all electric and electronic substructures were carried out successfully.   Designed by...

    Project details
    • Year 2011
    • Work finished in 2011
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Airports
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