Architectural Office and Showroom

The reconstruction and renovation of the ground floor of an object dating from 1962, in Dobracina Street, Belgrade Belgrade / Serbia / 2015

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Architectural Office "BiroPlus" from Vrsac, has opened a branch office in the center of Belgrade, municipality of Stari Grad. For that occasion, a twenty-seven- year-old architect, who had started her architectural practice in this office with a long tradition in designing, engineering and consulting, was hired as an author of the project.  She was given full support by the team of the employed engineers.

The new office space, which is also a kind of showroom, is located on the ground floor of an object dating from 1962, in Dobračina Street. The investor’s desire, the owner of "Biro Plus", was to create a unified functional workspace that exudes glamor and elegance, and also gives employees the warmth of a living space.

The project with all its phases lasted for approximately two years. The reconstruction and renovation included: opening a street facade entrance, window replacement, and an overall design of the interior of the object which is part of the protected core of the city.

 "As someone who has been given the opprtunity to realize an original project and being without prior experience, but having almost unlimited freedom and support in this process, I wanted to connect my dreams to the  reality of architecture, trying to constantly keep with me the piece of surreal, subconscious, intuitive. I wanted to bring in warmth and colour to the dark, long time abandoned ground floor, to make it lively, to surprise, to lead, to honor, to incorporate and  reward, not to let it continue to degrade and  to try to encourage the continuation of embedding the space into the environment and into the user’s  experience. "

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    Architectural Office "BiroPlus" from Vrsac, has opened a branch office in the center of Belgrade, municipality of Stari Grad. For that occasion, a twenty-seven- year-old architect, who had started her architectural practice in this office with a long tradition in designing, engineering and consulting, was hired as an author of the project.  She was given full support by the team of the employed engineers. The new office space, which is also a kind of showroom, is located on the ground...

    Project details
    • Year 2015
    • Work started in 2015
    • Work finished in 2015
    • Client Biro plus d. o. o.
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Offices/studios / Interior Design / Building Recovery and Renewal
    • Website
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