Private clinic | Mario Mazzer

Conegliano / Italy / 2014

24 Love 4,561 Visits Published

This project is an extension of “Centro di Medicina” a medical private clinic located in Conegliano Veneto, Italy.

The feel of the new building is utterly monolithic, its volume is distinguished by the protruding staircase along the east facade.
The solid and sculptural impression is strengthened by the choice of black color.
The entrance is a big glass wall that breaks the monolithic appearance of the volume on the north side.
The facades are fragmented by a crescendo of orthogonal green foils.
The seamless circular circulation occurs between the surgeries positioned along the outer perimeter and the service areas grouped in the center.
The architecture of the interior with its backlit glass walls stands in marked contrast to the solid and dark exterior shell.
The concept of green building has been applied to this building from the early stages of the design: the crawl space in cellular glass, the ventilated façade, the low-emissivity glass, LED lighting, the photovoltaic system, the recirculation of indoor air with a recycling of more than 90 % of the heat reduce energy consumption of more than 50%.

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    This project is an extension of “Centro di Medicina” a medical private clinic located in Conegliano Veneto, Italy. The feel of the new building is utterly monolithic, its volume is distinguished by the protruding staircase along the east facade.The solid and sculptural impression is strengthened by the choice of black color.The entrance is a big glass wall that breaks the monolithic appearance of the volume on the north side.The facades are fragmented by a crescendo of orthogonal...

    Project details
    • Year 2014
    • Work finished in 2014
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Hospitals, private clinics
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