Villa Molveno | Vladimir Lamfadel

Russian Federation / 2016

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The tiny town of Molveno in the western Trentino. Precious pearl in a precious casket. So the writer Antonio Fogazzaro called this lake, in crystal-clear blue water which reflected the peaks of the Dolomiti di Brenta. Green meadows with delicate alpine flowers, old pine forests, clean mountain air and the heady mesmerizing sound of mountain streams and waterfalls.
Peace and tranquility of this wonderful place i tried to convey in the interiors of my project.

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    The tiny town of Molveno in the western Trentino. Precious pearl in a precious casket. So the writer Antonio Fogazzaro called this lake, in crystal-clear blue water which reflected the peaks of the Dolomiti di Brenta. Green meadows with delicate alpine flowers, old pine forests, clean mountain air and the heady mesmerizing sound of mountain streams and waterfalls. Peace and tranquility of this wonderful place i tried to convey in the interiors of my project.

    Project details
    • Year 2016
    • Work started in 2015
    • Work finished in 2016
    • Status Current works
    • Type Single-family residence
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