Private apartment refit

Luxury classic interiors Rome / Italy / 2015

18 Love 3,954 Visits Published

The apartment is created by transforming floor plan and internal distribution of a large law firm office in a Victorian building in central London, UK.

The actual floorplan is composed by the previous union of two different apartments.

It was decided to redivide the space, keeping a traditional and classical distribution to fit the client’s taste and the needs of his young family. The project mantains the classical original features in key rooms such as the living room. Where transformation and functional need require it a more modern cut was given to the choices of finishes.

The living room is the main room of the apartment, intended as a representative room for the family’s guests. To bring natural light to this room, which would be otherwise dimly lit, the original doors were dismissed in favor of sliding white lacquered wooden panels. Such choice was applied also for the dining room.

The kitchen was relocated in the most private part of the house. It is designed to be as functional as possible  given the reduced space.

Finishes include oak framed hardwood flooring and white Italian Travertino marble for the bathroom and the kitchen. Original plaster decorations were preserved when possible.


Il progetto prevede la trasformazione in abitazione di un ampio appartamento ad uso ufficio, in un edificio vittoriano a Londra.

La planimetria attuale è data dall’unione di due unità immobiliari differenti.

Si è deciso di ridividere lo spazio, mantenendo la distribuzione classica tipica dell’epoca, che si accorda ai gusti della committenza e alle esigenze della sua famiglia.

Il progetto mantiene le caratteristiche originali dell’immobile nelle stanze principali, come ad esempio il salone. Dove invece, trasformazioni più radicali e necessità tecniche, non l’hanno consentito si è optato per un taglio più moderno.

Il salone è la stanza principale dell’abitazione, la stanza di rappresentanza per antonomasia. Per meglio illuminarla con la luce naturale, le porte originali sono state sostituite con  ampi pannelli scorrevoli in legno laccato bianco.

La stessa operazione è stata effettuata per la sala da pranzo.

La cucina è stata collocata nella parte più privata della casa e progettata per essere il più funzionale possibile dati gli spazi ridotti.

Le finiture includono un parquet in legno di rovere massello, con cornici e riquadri e travertino italiano per bagno e cucina. Gli stucchi originali sono stati preservati quando possibile

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    The apartment is created by transforming floor plan and internal distribution of a large law firm office in a Victorian building in central London, UK. The actual floorplan is composed by the previous union of two different apartments. It was decided to redivide the space, keeping a traditional and classical distribution to fit the client’s taste and the needs of his young family. The project mantains the classical original features in key rooms such as the living room. Where...

    Project details
    • Year 2015
    • Work started in 2016
    • Client privato
    • Status Current works
    • Type Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Lighting Design / Recovery/Restoration of Historic Buildings / Structural Consolidation / Furniture design / Product design / Refurbishment of apartments
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