Travel Agency São Paulo / Brazil

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ADDIN comes to market with a new proposal for travel agencies and FAL Strategic Design has developed the concept of physical stores in partnership with SONNE Branding. The aim was to materialize the brand’s core that is to explore new experiences through travel. The shop itself stimulates the senses and leaves the client free to dream about their next destination in the interactive screens or in super comfortable lounges. The service "anywhere", where the consultant goes to the customer through different channels, contributes to the packages specially customized for each person. ADDIN has also won the 2014 Store of the Year prize in the last Retail Design Award sponsored by the Brazilian chapter of the Retail Design Institute.

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    ADDIN comes to market with a new proposal for travel agencies and FAL Strategic Design has developed the concept of physical stores in partnership with SONNE Branding. The aim was to materialize the brand’s core that is to explore new experiences through travel. The shop itself stimulates the senses and leaves the client free to dream about their next destination in the interactive screens or in super comfortable lounges. The service "anywhere", where the consultant goes to the customer through...

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    • Status Completed works
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