| J. MAYER H. Architects
Ostfildern / Germany / 2001
stadthaus is located at the center of Scharnhauser Park, a former American military site next to Stuttgart airport. It is a multifunctional public building unifying municipal administration, civic services, a public library, an art gallery, classrooms for music lessons and evening school, a wedding room, office space, sports facilities and a multipurpose hall. This combination of different public services generates synergetic effects provoking programmatic and visual transparency. Spatially the entire building is considered as large, open public space with inlays of certain core elements. Floating within a space for mutual or strategic communication, these enclosed boxes structure the interior layout of the building. From the main square to the panorama deck on the roof, the stadthaus interlocks with its context through cutouts and terraces. These open air spaces remain accessible beyond the main opening hours and therefore serve as spatial and programmatic extensions. Light and water animations are an integral part of the stadthaus and include a subtle relationship between nature and technology. Framing the main entrance visitors will have to walk through a computer animated artificial rain dripping from underneath the flat cantilevered roof. Wind.light is a light installation next to the stadthaus. The stadthaus and square construct a new public building prototype by offering simultaneity of city life in real, mediated and virtual space.
La è collocata al centro del Scharnhauser Park, un ex sito militare americano nei pressi dell’aeroporto di Stoccarda.
Si tratta di una struttura pubblica polifunzionale, dove hanno sede l’amministrazione comunale, servizi per la cittadinanza, una biblioteca pubblica, una galleria d’arte, aule per lezioni di musica e scuola serale, una sala per celebrare matrimoni, uffici, impianti sportivi e uno spazio polifunzionale.
L’edificio si presenta come un grande spazio aperto al pubblico, caratterizzato dalla presenza di alcuni elementi chiave che strutturano gli interni dell’edificio.
Dei giochi d’acqua e di luce sono parte integrante della struttura. Attraversato l’ingresso principale, i visitatori s’imbattono in una cortina d’acqua il cui scorrere è regolato da un computer collocato sotto il tetto della struttura.
Contestualmente, l’installazione luminosa “wind.light”, collocata nei pressi della struttura, proietta sul pavimento dei giochi di luce che variano in base alla direzione del vento, cosa resa possibile dall’impiego di appositi software e di fibre ottiche.
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stadthaus is located at the center of Scharnhauser Park, a former American military site next to Stuttgart airport. It is a multifunctional public building unifying municipal administration, civic services, a public library, an art gallery, classrooms for music lessons and evening school, a wedding room, office space, sports facilities and a multipurpose hall. This combination of different public services generates synergetic effects provoking programmatic and visual transparency. Spatially the...
- Year 2001
- Work finished in 2001
- Client Stadt Ostfildern
- Status Completed works
- Type Town Halls
- Website