Salburúa Civic Center | IDOM

Vitoria-Gasteiz / Spain / 2015

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The Civic Center is a building that combines sporting, cultural and administrative uses to service the neighborhood Salburua in Vitoria.

The project conceives the civic center as a gathering of people to carry out various social, cultural, recreational or sports activities.
The program of the building is divided into three levels:
- The ground floor has more public uses such as a café, lounge, hall, conference room, etc.
- The basement has all sports facilities except for the pool.
- The first floor has administrative areas, cultural spaces (library, study room, Infotek and workshops) and the pool with its own dressing room.
The floor conveys this concept of diffusion thanks to a glass façade through which you can see what is happening inside, and even across the street, establishing a fusion between urban space and inside the civic center, strengthening its public character.
In contrast, the first floor has a less permeable, more abstract language, avoiding the usual human scale, in order to obtain a stronger and more powerful image.
Despite being a very compact building of approximately 110x60 meters, it is very bright thanks to the many patios that traverse the entire building and that help establish visual relationships between the various activities taking place in the center.

El Centro Cívico es un edificio dotacional que combina usos deportivos, culturales y administrativos para dar servicio al barrio de Salburúa en Vitoria.
El proyecto concibe el centro cívico como punto de reunión de los habitantes donde llevar a cabo distintas actividades de sociales, culturales, lúdicas o deportivas.
La planta baja transmite el concepto de permeabilidad entre interior y exterior, gracias al cierre acristalado que favorece las visiones cruzadas. Tanto es así, que las visitas pueden llegar a atravesar por completo el edificio.
Por contraposición, la planta primera, que contiene un programa que requiere mayor grado de privacidad, se configura como un objeto menos permeable, de un lenguaje más abstracto, que potencia el contraste entre ambas realidades.
En conjunto, el programa se divide en cuatro plantas. En la planta sótano están las pistas polideportivas, gimnasios, sala de esgrima, taller de danza y rocódromo, así como los espacios destinados a instalaciones del edificio. En planta baja se distribuyen los espacios de atención ciudadana, sala de encuentro, cafetería, salón de actos, ludoclub y el graderío de la zona polideportiva. En planta primera están las dependencias como la biblioteca, sala de estudio, talleres y despachos de los Servicios sociales de la zona. Por último, en planta segunda están las piscinas y los vestuarios.

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    The Civic Center is a building that combines sporting, cultural and administrative uses to service the neighborhood Salburua in Vitoria. The project conceives the civic center as a gathering of people to carry out various social, cultural, recreational or sports activities.The program of the building is divided into three levels:- The ground floor has more public uses such as a café, lounge, hall, conference room, etc.- The basement has all sports facilities except for the pool.- The...

    Project details
    • Year 2015
    • Work finished in 2015
    • Status Completed works
    • Type multi-purpose civic centres / Multi-purpose Cultural Centres
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    Lovers 26 users