California Residence | Michael CASTETS

Anglet / France / 2015

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This residence is situated in Anglet (France) a nice area in big development that is near to the beaches, the marina and close to many shops. It has been designed by Michaël Catets who is an architect based in Anglet, the program consisted in creating a residence of 15 apartments with one penthouse ans its own swimming pool and a small office building.

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    This residence is situated in Anglet (France) a nice area in big development that is near to the beaches, the marina and close to many shops. It has been designed by Michaël Catets who is an architect based in Anglet, the program consisted in creating a residence of 15 apartments with one penthouse ans its own swimming pool and a small office building.

    Project details
    • Year 2015
    • Main structure Masonry
    • Client Rey Promotion
    • Status Current works
    • Type Apartments / Office Buildings / Lofts/Penthouses
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