Cero K | Max-A Architecture + Landscape Architecture

San Carlos / Chile / 2014

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The project is located between San Carlos and Chillan, along Chile’s Route 5 South. The fast paced project was developed in four months and built in 8 months.

Iansa is the principal producer, distributor and seller of sugar in Chile. The company was looking to house the production of their new sweetener Cero K. A 30 x 50 mts two-story 8.5mt high warehouse was the starting point to house the various programmatic requirements. The actual productive process in developing the sweetener became the core of the project resulting in a 4- story 14mt high central structure cladded in Transparent Alveolar Sunlite Polycarbonate that would pierce the main volume functioning both as an independent and cohesive element at the same time. The building looks to play on the formal purity of the Dome and the Silo, two icons of the Sugar Industry. The factory is sculpted on the ground level responding to both the private and public flow as the various scales involved human and machine –sugar or transportation related. Steel plates clad the main warehouse with perforations responding to orientation and sun exposure, offering control and efficiency. The steel structure is a Meccano where the central piece acts as nucleus that ties the structure together.

El proyecto se emplaza entre San Carlos y Chillan, en la Ruta 5 Sur de Chile. Este, se proyecta en 4 meses y construye en 8 meses. El proceso productivo es la fabricación del producto Cero K, derivado de la Sucralosa y Stevia. El edificio que alberga el proceso productivo, se concibe desde un galpón / bodega rectangular de 30 x 50 mts en 2 pisos con 8.50 mts de alto y revestido en planchas de acero perforadas según asoleamiento. En su centro, el área de laboratorio y producción en 4 pisos y con una altura de 14 mts. Este último como soporte y centro de proyecto, revestido en Policarbonato Alveolar Sunlite transparente hasta la cubierta, y Policarbonato Alveolar Sunpal traslucido sobre la cubierta. En su exterior, pureza y pulcritud al igual que el silo y domo, iconos de la industria. La fabrica y en respuesta a flujos publico y privado de la Industria, se esculpe en su primer nivel dando forma / espacio a las áreas de acceso / control, carga / descarga + acopio interno de la industria. Las planchas de acero perforado según orientación y exposición, ofrecen control y eficiencia en el consumo de la fabrica. Su estructura de acero, es un mecano de marcos arriostrados y vigas reticuladas, donde su centro funciona como núcleo rígido y soportante del total.

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    The project is located between San Carlos and Chillan, along Chile’s Route 5 South. The fast paced project was developed in four months and built in 8 months. Iansa is the principal producer, distributor and seller of sugar in Chile. The company was looking to house the production of their new sweetener Cero K. A 30 x 50 mts two-story 8.5mt high warehouse was the starting point to house the various programmatic requirements. The actual productive process in developing the...

    Project details
    • Year 2014
    • Work finished in 2014
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Factories
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