Casas Caiadas

Lisbon / Portugal / 2014

94 Love 13,079 Visits Published

A middle-aged Lisbon couple sets off into a real estate adventure and purchases, with an impulse, a small plot with four ruins in the middle of Alentejo called Moinho do Barroco (Barroco’s Water Mill). The location is remote , without paved road access and only accessible in summer , as the river fills and overflows in winter. The early days are passed clearing the land, investigating the site and thinking what to do next. They decide to get help and recover the original buildings, keeping as much as possible of what remains original and unique. After a couple of years it’s now a small touristic place where anyone can enjoy the place and surroundings.

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    A middle-aged Lisbon couple sets off into a real estate adventure and purchases, with an impulse, a small plot with four ruins in the middle of Alentejo called Moinho do Barroco (Barroco’s Water Mill). The location is remote , without paved road access and only accessible in summer , as the river fills and overflows in winter. The early days are passed clearing the land, investigating the site and thinking what to do next. They decide to get help and recover the original buildings,...

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