COCONUT HOUSE | Lee Mundwiler

Los Angeles / United States / 2006

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As an infill project within a densely populated residential area of Los Angeles, it is built on a narrow lot. ‘Home’ as a typology of familiarity was introduced to provoke an inner childhood yearning…traditional pitched roof, large view window, and chimney….

Optimal conditions desired from this dwelling is translated into a volumetric expression in a literal and metamorphic word: SHELL(TER).

A linear approach from the street leads to the point of arrival, situated at the middle core of the house. At the entry, one steps into the nature: COURTYARD.

Through subtracting volumes from the building mass, light, air, and nature penetrate deeply into the living space, the spatiality extends beyond its moderate volume. These deliberate openings blur the boundary of the narrow lot, yet shield it from exposure to neighbors, who are an arms-reach away, and the busy street.

The hues of light illuminate the inner core of the dwelling, flirting with light coming through the skylight and the louvers of the courtyard.  The interior reflects the infinite change of light and shadow evolving throughout the day, while a sense of privacy wraps around the dwelling.  The facade of dark fiber panels with natural wood veneer emulates the tough shell of a “COCONUT”, which plays a role of security in a physical and psychological manner.  This maintenance-free facade will eliminate the use of petroleum products, such as paints and sealers, for many years.

Further sustainable features are applied throughout, such as: passive solar energy, active cross ventilation, recycled cement, wood particle board fencing, and eco resin panels, among others, are paired with drought a tolerant landscaping.

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    As an infill project within a densely populated residential area of Los Angeles, it is built on a narrow lot. ‘Home’ as a typology of familiarity was introduced to provoke an inner childhood yearning…traditional pitched roof, large view window, and chimney…. Optimal conditions desired from this dwelling is translated into a volumetric expression in a literal and metamorphic word: SHELL(TER). A linear approach from the street leads to the point of arrival, situated at...

    Project details
    • Year 2006
    • Work finished in 2006
    • Contractor Niagara Construction
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Interior Design
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