Home Pocket | Thomas Merlin

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A Felt (wool or recycled PET) case suspended on a foot : here is the idea of this hybrid object which transforms a mobile object into a storage space for home or office. Just like our lives in movement, this object can follow us or stay simply at home. Useful to store Ipad, phone, notebook, business cards, letters, sun glasses postcards..

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    A Felt (wool or recycled PET) case suspended on a foot : here is the idea of this hybrid object which transforms a mobile object into a storage space for home or office. Just like our lives in movement, this object can follow us or stay simply at home. Useful to store Ipad, phone, notebook, business cards, letters, sun glasses postcards..

    Project details
    • Year 2015
    • Client Formabilio
    • Status Current works
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    Lovers 2 users