Villa F | SWeeT architecture I Luca Reverso Sargentin
Avry-devant-Pont / Switzerland / 2015
The hill, the view and the lake: three elements that make the project site the ideal place to live in. A house on three levels: the garage and the studio on the top floor, the living room in the middle and the sleeping area and the spa at the garden level: overlapping levels that create a simple parallelepiped, embedded in the ground, respectful of the nature and open to it. Thanks to the large windows the light floods the interiors, gazing into the distance, beyond the panorama. The double height between the studio and the living room, the bedroom balcony and the heated and covered spa are connected by a hidden stair, while the front volumes are connected but independent at the same time.
La colline, la vue et le lac : trois éléments qui rendent le site du projet le lieu idéale pour vivre. Trois étages: le garage et le bureau en haut, les espaces jours au milieu, le chambres à coucher et la spa au niveau du jardin, des superpositions qui forment un simple parallélépipède emboité dans le terrain, respectueux de la nature et ouvert vers elle. Les grandes fenêtres inondent de lumière les espaces en menant le regard loin, au-delà du panorama. La double hauteur entre le bureau et le séjour, les chambres à coucher protégées par la terrasse et la spa chauffée et couverte sont reliées par un escalier caché, tandis que les volumes de la façade sont liés tout en restant indépendants.
La collina, la vista ed il lago: tre elementi naturali che rendono il sito di progetto il luogo ideale per vivere.L’interconnessione tra gli spazi interni ed esterni in un volume compatto: il tema che ha guidato il progetto compositivo, definendo una serie di spazi di transizione che, svuotando la materia, permettono di definire continue variazioni di ritmo tra vuoti e pieni.Tre piani: in alto il parcheggio coperto e lo studio, in mezzo la zona giorno, in basso la zona notte in affaccio sul giardino e la piscina, tre piani che si sovrappongono componendo un semplice parallelepipedo, incastrato nel terreno naturale, rispettoso della natura ed aperto su di essa. Le grandi finestre: portano luce all’interno della casa e portano lo sguardo lontano, ammirando il panorama.
EN The hill, the view and the lake: three elements that make the project site the ideal place to live in. A house on three levels: the garage and the studio on the top floor, the living room in the middle and the sleeping area and the spa at the garden level: overlapping levels that create a simple parallelepiped, embedded in the ground, respectful of the nature and open to it. Thanks to the large windows the light floods the interiors, gazing into the distance, beyond the panorama. The double...
- Year 2015
- Work started in 2013
- Work finished in 2015
- Main structure Reinforced concrete
- Client Privato
- Contractor Cas-art entreprise générale sàrl
- Status Completed works
- Type Single-family residence / Interior Design