Offices Broccolini Construction | Figurr Architects Collective

Kirkland / Canada / 2014

53 Love 7,056 Visits Published

The building’s 1950s vintage inspired interior is both functional and welcoming. The approach to its design is simple, straightforward and favours an honest expression of materials and tectonics.

The four-level flexible office space holds most of the usual workplace amenities, such as individual offices, conference rooms and rest areas. It manages to register visual and physical permeability with glass partitions and captures engaging views across the space. It establishes a spatial coherence and promotes social cohesion by providing communal facilities – an angular wooden counter actually serves as the backbone to the design as it encourages gathering and interaction.

The use of a bold colour scheme explicitly communicates the company’s identity, works as a means of way-finding and ensures that each area within the building works with one another to create a unified whole.

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    The building’s 1950s vintage inspired interior is both functional and welcoming. The approach to its design is simple, straightforward and favours an honest expression of materials and tectonics. The four-level flexible office space holds most of the usual workplace amenities, such as individual offices, conference rooms and rest areas. It manages to register visual and physical permeability with glass partitions and captures engaging views across the space. It establishes a spatial...

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