Wing plastic chair | Jordi Bassols Borrell

Wing plastic chair for Actiu 2014

2 Love 1,654 Visits Published

Wing is a creation from the studio Ramos & Bassols for Actiu.

It is a piece ofproportioned and balanced shapes, robust
and stable, adjustable sizes, with comfortable geometryand a
backrest that wraps around the traditional wooden seat. It is
a piece that elegantly fuses technology and tradition. The result is
a unique chair but easily assimilable, making it easy to adapt to a
multitude of spaces.

Made by gas elevation, the results are pieces in which we get extra compact, a
significant reduction in its weightand minimisation of possible deformations. Inshort,
a compact but light chair, easy to transport and stackwhich furthermoreoffers its
cushion in PUR or upholstered.

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    Wing is a creation from the studio Ramos & Bassols for Actiu.It is a piece ofproportioned and balanced shapes, robustand stable, adjustable sizes, with comfortable geometryand abackrest that wraps around the traditional wooden seat. It isa piece that elegantly fuses technology and tradition. The result isa unique chair but easily assimilable, making it easy to adapt to amultitude of spaces. Made by gas elevation, the results are pieces in which we get extra compact, asignificant reduction...

    Project details
    • Year 2014
    • Work started in 2013
    • Work finished in 2014
    • Client Actiu
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Interior Design / Furniture design / Product design
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