MOTHER EARTH | Archiring Studio

Rammed Earth House Aryanah / Tunisia / 2012

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This project is part of an associative work started in collaboration with the Group of agricultural development GDA Sidi Amor . It is to build a green home for a disadvantaged family and one of whose children is disabled .

The philosophy of the project is to “ make with what we have ,” both in the choice of materials, and in the shape of the building and its location . The house will be built using the technique of rammed earth and adobe . This material is already present on the site , no need to go looking elsewhere. The whole process is in collaboration with local skills and crafts . During the construction, the local workforce will be trained to the techniques used .

The project consists of three entities. This choice is motivated by several reasons : each entity is in reality a module already built by the group as part of its work with ecological materials . By keeping the same proportions , the scale of the project is controlled. Moreover. The house can be constructed in phases, each entity being independent of the others , which may be constructed later, since associative work is very dependent on funding. In addition, by separating each part of the building a better orientation is guaranteed of the whole , which improves the thermal characteristics of the building . This gives 3 monoliths juxtaposed and completely opaque on west and east elevations. The arrangement of blocks and the deviation of the central block creates different patios used for different functions.

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    This project is part of an associative work started in collaboration with the Group of agricultural development GDA Sidi Amor . It is to build a green home for a disadvantaged family and one of whose children is disabled . The philosophy of the project is to “ make with what we have ,” both in the choice of materials, and in the shape of the building and its location . The house will be built using the technique of rammed earth and adobe . This material is already present on the...

    Project details
    • Year 2012
    • Work started in 2012
    • Client Group for Agricultural Development
    • Status Current works
    • Type Single-family residence
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