CUBOIDS | Archiring Studio

Social Housing in Mtorrech Gabès / Tunisia / 2013

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On two separate lots, 6 apartments are to be built. Face to an area with no real architectural quality, and a poor and desolate neighborhood, what posture should we adopt?

The one that offers two buildings with a very different look, but both governed by basic geometric laws around the golden and silver rectangles . While in the first lot, the smallest , these proportions are only suggestions , and concern only the dimensions of the protrusions and openings , they are very distinct in the second , where they define the shape of the plan (10m x 16m) of elevations and windows. For the first project, the building is completely introverted, and takes the appearance of a contracted form, tense, almost edgy. Except a large bay on the ground floor and very thin slot on the 2nd floor, no opening directly n the outside. All open onto terraces and covered paces. In the second construction, the aesthetic is ore common in social housing. Large white surfaces ontrasting with colored subtractions and random openings.

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    On two separate lots, 6 apartments are to be built. Face to an area with no real architectural quality, and a poor and desolate neighborhood, what posture should we adopt? The one that offers two buildings with a very different look, but both governed by basic geometric laws around the golden and silver rectangles . While in the first lot, the smallest , these proportions are only suggestions , and concern only the dimensions of the protrusions and openings , they are very distinct in the...

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Work started in 2013
    • Client Tunisian Ministry of Justice
    • Status Current works
    • Type Apartments / Social Housing
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