All I Own House | PKMN
Madrid / Spain / 2014
The relationships we establish with the objects we own happen on a very special manner at the interior of our houses, we assume spaces we inhabit by surrounding ourselves with our belongings, thus the way in which we accumulate and display our stuff through the space ends up reflecting our personality.
The reasons leading us to accumulate objects are many, functional or not; we may acquire something because we feel they represent us or just because we think they’re pretty; we become ourselves emotional interior designers, there exists a close relationship between the way in which we arrange our house, the events that take place in it and the way in which these experiences affect us.
Each of our possessions has its own private story, a memory associated to it and, just the same way in which we grow and change, our personal belongings change, we get rid of some stuff but we resist losing much of it, we could easily picture ourselves through our possessions.
All I Own House is a project that materialises the interior of a house through its inhabitant personal belongings.
ALL I OWN HOUSE Yolanda’s House
Yolanda moves to the house that formerly belonged to her grandmother, it is located on a small housing community in the North of Madrid. It is a single storey house, rather small, but it has an enormous garden in the backyard. Yolanda is, among many other things, ERREPILA [Design Studio for enterprising and courageous people].
All I Own House materialises the interior of Yolanda’s house through her personal belongings. But these objects, such as Yolanda, would never stand still, they move around with her, accompanying her way through the day; early in the morning all the books wake up and place themselves together with all the clothing stuff, bed disappears and, just as Yolanda is having a coffee, books and clothes move fast approaching the kitchen area in order to make room for shower. Around mid-morning Yolanda has an appointment with a client; all the crockery, carefully tidy, starts to put itself close to the kitchen, nearby all the cutlery and the rest of the cookware. Books are now showing off, very proud, the big round blackboard is now getting ready for the meeting…
Through a carefully made design, totally custom-made, and the combination of carpentry and the use of quite a simple industrial railing system, all the server space in the house is arranged through three wooden, suspended, mobile and transformable containers. This server space can be totally re arranged in just a few seconds, thus allowing, in a variety of combinations with served space, to adapt the whole house according to specific needs for the use of space at the time, enabling infinite homes within a house.
Nuestra relación con los objetos que poseemos se produce de una manera especial en el interior de nuestras casas, tomamos posesión de los espacios rodeándonos de nuestras pertenencias y así, la manera en que acumulamos y disponemos nuestros objetos en el espacio, acaba por reflejar nuestra personalidad.
Acumulamos objetos por muchas razones, utilitarias o no; adquirimos posesiones porque pensamos que nos representan o porque nos parecen bonitas; nos convertimos en diseñadores emocionales, pues existe una relación entre cómo organizamos nuestro hogar, lo que sucede en él y la huella que estas vivencias nos dejan.
Cada una de nuestras posesiones tiene su propia historia privada, un recuerdo asociado y, al igual que nosotros crecemos y cambiamos, nuestros objetos personales van cambiando, nos deshacemos de algunas cosas, nos resistimos a perder muchas otras, podríamos hacer un retrato personal de cada uno de nosotros a través de nuestras posesiones.
All I Own House es un proyecto que materializa el interior de una casa a través de los objetos personales de la(s) persona(s) que la habita(n).
ALL I OWN HOUSE / La Casa de Yolanda
Yolanda se muda a la casa que antes perteneció a su abuela en una pequeña colonia de unifamiliares en el norte de Madrid. La casa, de una planta, es pequeña, pero tiene un enorme jardín en la parte de atrás. Yolanda es, además de muchas otras cosas, ERREPILA [Estudio de Diseño para Valientes y Emprendedores].
All I Own House materializa el interior de la casa de Yolanda a través de sus objetos personales. Pero estos objetos, como Yolanda, no se están nunca quietos, se mueven con ella acompañándola a lo largo de su día a día; por la mañana temprano todos sus libros se despiertan y se colocan junto a toda su ropa, la cama desaparece y, mientras Yolanda se toma un café, ropa y libros se aproximan a la cocina para hacer hueco a la ducha. A media mañana Yolanda se ha citado con un cliente; toda la vajilla, ordenadamente, ha ido a colocarse pegadita a la cocina, cerca de la cubertería, ollas y sartenes. Los libros se muestran ahora orgullosos, la gran pizarra se prepara para la reunión…
A través de un cuidadoso diseño, hecho totalmente a medida, y de la combinación del trabajo de carpintería con el uso de un sencillo sistema de guías industriales, se organiza todo el espacio servidor de la casa mediante tres contenedores de madera OSB suspendidos, móviles y transformables. Este espacio servidor puede ser totalmente reorganizado en unos segundos, permitiendo, en sus distintas combinaciones con el espacio servido, adaptar toda la casa según necesidades concretas de uso del espacio en cada momento, posibilitando una casa que son infinitas casas.
The relationships we establish with the objects we own happen on a very special manner at the interior of our houses, we assume spaces we inhabit by surrounding ourselves with our belongings, thus the way in which we accumulate and display our stuff through the space ends up reflecting our personality. The reasons leading us to accumulate objects are many, functional or not; we may acquire something because we feel they represent us or just because we think they’re pretty; we become...
- Year 2014
- Work finished in 2014
- Status Completed works
- Type Apartments / Refurbishment of apartments