Háspennulínur | Paolo Gianfrancesco

Icelandic call for ideas Reykjavik / Iceland / 2008

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The goal of the competition is to get ideas on the type and appearance of a tower or towers for a 220 kV high-voltage transmission line. Landsnet emphasizes that the visual impact of the towers (for the line) shall be specifically examined in this competition, and that the competitors present proposals on the detailing of towers, taking this into account as much as possible, and this means towers (for the line) both near urban areas and in unsettled areas. This competition was realized for THG Arkitektar (Reykjavík - Iceland) with the Structural engineer Magnús R. Rafnsson. L’obbiettivo del concorso é di ottenere idee circa la tipologia e l’aspetto formale di una o più torri per la trasmissioni ad alto voltaggio da 220 kV. Landsnet sottolinea che l’impatto visivo delle torri (per i cavi dell’alta tensione) dovrà essere specificamente esaminato in questo concorso, e che i partecipanti che ne presentino dettagli costruttivi saranno tenuti in rilevante considerazione. Tali torri intendono essere locate in aree urbane o inserite in paesaggi incontaminati. Questo concorso é stato realizzato per conto di THG Arkitektar (Reykjavik - Islanda) con la partecipazione dell’Ingegnere delle strutture Magnús R. Rafnsson.
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    The goal of the competition is to get ideas on the type and appearance of a tower or towers for a 220 kV high-voltage transmission line. Landsnet emphasizes that the visual impact of the towers (for the line) shall be specifically examined in this competition, and that the competitors present proposals on the detailing of towers, taking this into account as much as possible, and this means towers (for the line) both near urban areas and in unsettled areas. This competition was realized for THG...

    Project details
    • Year 2008
    • Main structure Steel
    • Client Landsnet
    • Status Competition works
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