Housing for Favelas

Finalist project for the "Houses for change" competition Florianópolis / Brazil / 2013

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The project is located in Serrinha, one of the favelas of Florianopolis, a rich city on the Atlantic coast to the south of Sao Paolo in Brazil.

The IBGE, the national statistical institute, conducted a survey among Brazilian citizens which showed that "the peoples main demand is the provision of infrastructure and services, not so much a new dwelling" and it is precisely for this reason that we felt that the best option was to hypothesis a co-operation between the public and private sectors.

The collaboration between the public and the private sectors results in a first public participation to provide a secure and connected infrastructure and a second private one in which the users, according to their needs, lease the necessary number of cells, taking care to pat them and develop the systems.

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    The project is located in Serrinha, one of the favelas of Florianopolis, a rich city on the Atlantic coast to the south of Sao Paolo in Brazil. The IBGE, the national statistical institute, conducted a survey among Brazilian citizens which showed that "the peoples main demand is the provision of infrastructure and services, not so much a new dwelling" and it is precisely for this reason that we felt that the best option was to hypothesis a co-operation between the public and private...

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Status Competition works
    • Type Apartments / Multi-family residence / Social Housing
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