Creative Exchange, St. Neots

St. Neots, Cambridgeshire / United Kingdom / 2008

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Creative Exchange provides start-up studio space for around 20 fledgling creative businesses, as well as links with a number of education and training institutions. The building is located in mature parkland, now forming the grounds of Longsands College. The house that stood in the park was demolished in the 1960s, but offered a clue to the form of the new building, which in scale and accommodation resembles a large house. The building has public rooms on ground floor (meeting rooms, reception), a shared studio space at first floor and two floors of ‘huts’ forming spaces let to different tenants. The huts are clustered around a hall space on each floor which offers a generous social space looking onto the park. A roof garden provides useful additional working space, and a further connection to the building’s wider landscape setting. The project was a beneficiary of Growth Area Funding, and was joint funded by Huntingdonshire District Council, DCLG and EEDA. 5th Studio played an instrumental role in fund-raising for the project, and worked to deliver an innovative and inspirational building within a process in which cost control and value engineering were critical. [IT] L'edificio è stato concepito come luogo di formazione per la nascita di nuove attività commerciali nel campo della musica, dell’architettura e della moda. La struttura è in grado di accogliere sino a 14 società diverse. Al piano terra trova spazio un’ampia area adatta ad ospitare mostre, incontri, ed eventi per la formazione professionale, mentre i due piani superiori sono occupati dagli spazi di lavoro. Ampi corridoi tra le numerose stanze-studio ed un “giardino di lavoro” incoraggiano l’interazione tra le persone e consequenziali scambi di idee. I due piani superiori dell’edificio, completamente vetrati per consentire l’illuminazione naturale delle aree di lavoro, si sviluppano a sbalzo su una struttura in cemento a vista: un audace quanto inusuale elemento che risulta essere in contrasto con il contesto rurale della contea, disegnato principalmente dal Priory Park. “Il Priory Park – spiega Tom Holbrook di 5th Studio – offre uno splendido paesaggio, principale fonte di ispirazione per il nostro progetto. Siamo partiti dall’idea che il Creative Exchange potesse divenire il cuore del parco nonché l’ingresso per il Longdands College. Abbiamo pertanto evitato volumi orizzontali optando per una architettura verticale che non occupasse uno spazio eccessivo all’interno del parco”.
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    Creative Exchange provides start-up studio space for around 20 fledgling creative businesses, as well as links with a number of education and training institutions. The building is located in mature parkland, now forming the grounds of Longsands College. The house that stood in the park was demolished in the 1960s, but offered a clue to the form of the new building, which in scale and accommodation resembles a large house. The building has public rooms on ground floor (meeting rooms,...

    Project details
    • Year 2008
    • Work finished in 2008
    • Client Huntingdonshire District Council
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Corporate Headquarters / Multi-purpose Cultural Centres
    • Website
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