Hafencity University Subway Station | raupach architekten

Hamburg / Germany / 2012

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Design The design reacts associatively on the located identities on site: The brick facades changing their appearance due to daylight, the steel hulls and modules of transport containers, changing their colours with the seasons. Consequently, the materiality of the subway stop is guided by Steel, Light and Colour. The light is grasped into containers, creating self-confident, powerful objects, which are able to coexist with steel. Its formal connection to a transport container becomes clear, as well as the idea of a maritime environment. Lighting Design Twelve “Light-Containers” hovering above the platform dominate the 10 m high and 16 m wide platform area, determine its atmosphere, and give creative power and distinctiveness. Coloured Reflections are discreetly mapped onto the shimmering dark steel plates clamped on walls and ceiling surfaces of the platform. Since they are statically or dynamically programmed by choice, they change their in harmony with the different moods of a full day and also to make waiting for the trains to a sensual experience. All containers are vitrified semi-transparently, each 6,5 m long, 2,8 m high and equipped with 280 RGB-LEDs. The bottom side, which is homogenously illuminated, cast a warm and even glow on the platform and supports the planned light/dark contrasts. Downlights set in the ceiling trace are the reason for a comfortable lighting atmosphere in the counter areas. Planning partners: d-lightvision - lighting design design stauss grillmeier - container design
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    Design The design reacts associatively on the located identities on site: The brick facades changing their appearance due to daylight, the steel hulls and modules of transport containers, changing their colours with the seasons. Consequently, the materiality of the subway stop is guided by Steel, Light and Colour. The light is grasped into containers, creating self-confident, powerful objects, which are able to coexist with steel. Its formal connection to a transport container becomes clear, as...

    Project details
    • Year 2012
    • Work finished in 2012
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Underground Stations
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