Dubai School of Architecture | Sjú Zi
Dubai / UAE
Wider relationship and situation of the object:
Proposed object is situated in the city area of the part Dubai Marina in Dubaji. This zone includes function of administrative, housing and polyfunction. It is artificially created canal with little bays and high-rise built-up area. Main infrastructure link is provided by Sheikh Zayed Rd, where is situated also underground railway.
Housing is situated in the northwest. In the northern part of Dubai Marina, where is occurs also designed territory, is situated polyfunction. Designed territory is on the bank of the canal and neighbours with high-rise built-up area. This parcel is not built yet, the port is situated nearby. Infrastructure is connected with road communications Al Khayay St and Al Sufouh Rd. Crosswise there is closed communication in incomplete phase.
Philosophy and concept of the proposal:
Basic philosophy of the proposal comes from the primary shapes and lines. Inspirations includes Arabic culture and traditions. Shape of the full moon is a traditional sign, that created shape transformation of the material in the vertical level and by dividing into two parts sufficiently splits two different main functions of the building.
Vertical shift creates relief of the material and partial bend of the shape into which are adjusted the final lines of the integrated material. Relief of the deep parts is also solved by omitting of the segments of the material and opening the area towards to the core. Opening of the depth enables to support lightening of the building by creating vertical open space that partially lightens some central parts. It also creates us space for green terraces, which are sufficiently shadowed exterior relax zones.
In the horizontal level the area of ground plan comes from the primal rectangular shape, which is really reduced or increased according to vertical shaping.
Centralization of the core is created by average within sufficient escape and construction criteria. On straight opposite peripheral walls are placed hanging segments and also reduced in plan parts at core. This step forms other areas to use exterior and creates its sufficient shadowing.
Dominant element of the volume is also visual perforation on Corian lighten peripheral coat, which works mainly for shadowing inspired by Arabic ornaments and abstracted into suitable shape solution for perforation.
Architectonic solution, functional – operating conception:
Main aim was to create operating functional building, which will comply all criteria and create pleasant studying and working environment.
Overall conception of the facility is vertically divided into partially separated parts of the material connected by main communication core. Communication core is created from the system of 14 elevators which are divided and serve for different segments of the building. Every functional segment contains main communication core for operation of only specific function within disposition of the floor. They also work mainly as emergency exit, which consists from fire elevators in the main communication core, escape stairways and other refilling secondary cores according to need and length of the emergency way. This system includes also roof heliport on the highest roof.
In basement floors there is situated 4 floor- garage with the overall number of 1758 parking places, including 48 for disabled persons and 76 for electro-cars. On these floors there is also central storage and technical section of the building.
1st above ground story and 2nd above ground story forms enter foyer with exhibition areas, rentable premises, restaurants, reception and information and lecture halls half-embedded into -1 st underground. On the second floor above lecture halls there are multifunctional halls. 3rd above ground story-5th above ground story is created by library and study room. Other floors (6th above ground story -18th above ground story) created study section with its own foyer and exhibition area and school administrative. Overall conception of the study section was to create the most open communication areas as possible, the PC zones, relax zones situated into the center of the disposition. Studies and study areas needed to be lightened up are situated in the periphery of the floor. These functions are connected and enabled by the core. Open floors 19th above ground story - 22nd above ground story have technical function. Vertical segment 23rd above ground story -28th above ground story locates ateliers and workshops.
32nd above ground story - 42nd above ground story is divided into function of administrative, practice and relax zones. 47th above ground story - 5th above ground story NP are created by the administrative. Administrative is designed as open office divided by screens due to forming partial separation and rest zones. Centralized are auxiliary areas, technical background and storage.
Overall building and land is surveyed by intelligent system RFID cards, which according to database enables user to enter only parts and functions of the building accessible for the user.
Construction solution:
Main vertical construction of the building creates bearing core by combination of steel-concrete walls and columns. Every horizontally divided segment functions as an independent construction. Study part and enter foyer is created from the steel barrier beams in both directions anchored into the columns in width of span of 20-30m. Every horizontally divided segment functions as an independent construction. These consoled materials are constructed with
4 main longitudinal steel barrier beams on the whole height of the segment anchored into main vertical core of the construction.
In inside floors of the beam are added under the roof longitudinally aid steel barrier beams anchored into diagonals of the main beams. To this construction there is connected net of the crosswise steel barrier beams, which strengthen roof construction of the concrete prestressed plates. In open parts of the floors with ramps beams change the direction and create peripheral support of the opening with fixing into the longitudinal beams.
Ecological aspect of the proposal:
Overall proposal of the building was conditioned by ecological requirements and attempt to reduce energetically demanders of the building. Trans parental facades contain the system of integrated shadowing and solar elements in double glass.
Perforated lighweight facade is situated into south western part due to shade and also cantilevered upper part is used for placing wind turbines into open perforated parts. Pattern of the perforation was set them to unable this position. Rain water is collected into underground reservoir and further used as water for industrial purposes. Air circulation is ensured by induction from the exterior from northeast in lightened parts of the building and circulation through shaft in the core supplemented by cooling system. Drainage of used air is solved by the opposite southwest side and roof space.
Wider relationship and situation of the object: Proposed object is situated in the city area of the part Dubai Marina in Dubaji. This zone includes function of administrative, housing and polyfunction. It is artificially created canal with little bays and high-rise built-up area. Main infrastructure link is provided by Sheikh Zayed Rd, where is situated also underground railway. Housing is situated in the northwest. In the northern part of Dubai Marina, where is occurs also designed...
- Status Unrealised proposals
- Type Office Buildings / Offices/studios / Colleges & Universities