Living Room

Mostra Artefacto 2010 Goiânia / Brazil

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The furniture store Artefacto annually presents its decoration exhibition in their stores throughout Brazil bringing conceptions of different spaces idealized by different local architects and decorators. The projects created by professionals include contemporary spaces always prioritizing versatility and integration. Held in the showroom of the stores, you can check, beyond the aesthetics, practical ideas designed to inspire, entice and therefore of great identification with the audience.
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    The furniture store Artefacto annually presents its decoration exhibition in their stores throughout Brazil bringing conceptions of different spaces idealized by different local architects and decorators. The projects created by professionals include contemporary spaces always prioritizing versatility and integration. Held in the showroom of the stores, you can check, beyond the aesthetics, practical ideas designed to inspire, entice and therefore of great identification with the audience.

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    • Status Completed works
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