SCIENCE library-café

Purpose: library, café, lecture hall. Moldova / 2013

46 Love 6,572 Visits Published
The aim of project To create a place that will carry educational purposes. Nowadays, thereare so many bars and cafes with diverse interiors. As a rule, their interiors appealon emotional state by creating cozy atmosphere. This project lacks the idea ofattracting a person into a comfort zone (which sometimes should be avoided). The idea of this space is in consolidating the process of knowledge acquisitionand in involvement of young people interested in the applied science. The idea is to ​​combine public and working spaces and to help to increasethe level of involvement of young peoplein the process of self-education.
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    The aim of project To create a place that will carry educational purposes. Nowadays, thereare so many bars and cafes with diverse interiors. As a rule, their interiors appealon emotional state by creating cozy atmosphere. This project lacks the idea ofattracting a person into a comfort zone (which sometimes should be avoided). The idea of this space is in consolidating the process of knowledge acquisitionand in involvement of young people interested in the applied science. The idea is to...

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