Ceresio 7 restaurant

Milan / Italy / 2013

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CERESIO 7, the highly anticipated restaurant location directed by chef Elio Sironi, opened its doors in September 2013 at the Penthouse level of Dsquared²’s Milan home, at via Ceresio 7. Dean and Dan Caten have been heavily involved with storagemilano studio for the architectural development and the layout, while for the interior design as well as décor-based accompaniments the designers have been working in synergy with Dimore Studio. CERESIO 7 offers an innovative and all original experience for fine dining connaisseurs in Milan proposing an extraordinary and unforgettable experience. Restaurant patrons can expect to be dazzled with dishes consisting of unexpected ingredient combinations and simple elements that preserve the restaurant’s traditional fundamentals. Ita Inaugurato a settembre 2013, CERESIO 7 è il nuovo ristorante situato al roof top del prestigioso palazzo Dsquared² in via Ceresio 7, diretto dallo chef Elio Sironi. Il progetto, assolutamente innovativo, vede gli stilisti Dean e Dan Caten coinvolti assieme allo studio di architettura storagemilano per lo sviluppo architettonico e in sinergia con lo studio di interior design Dimore Studio per la realizzazione del concept degli interni e dei complementi. CERESIO 7 rappresenta una nuova esperienza gourmand per Milano, per offrire una cucina semplice ma esigente, di istinto atavico, basata sulla tradizione e sulla qualità del prodotto, fatta di sapori e di materie prime d’eccellenza.

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    CERESIO 7, the highly anticipated restaurant location directed by chef Elio Sironi, opened its doors in September 2013 at the Penthouse level of Dsquared²’s Milan home, at via Ceresio 7. Dean and Dan Caten have been heavily involved with storagemilano studio for the architectural development and the layout, while for the interior design as well as décor-based accompaniments the designers have been working in synergy with Dimore Studio. CERESIO 7 offers an innovative and all...

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