
Farrer Court seven towers Singapore / Singapore / 2014

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D`Leedon, Singapore comprises 7 residential towers, 12 semi-detached villas and integrated landscaping with recreation facilities.
The towers taper inwards as they reach the ground to optimize public space; a unique petal-shaped layout which allows for windows on three sides of the apartments to give the highest quality of living for all residents with cross-air flows to the living rooms and bedrooms – as well as natural ventilation in all kitchens and bathrooms; varied balcony geometries and the integrated landscaping all contribute to create a unique project defined by its site conditions and context.

The orientation and placement of the buildings is optimized in response to environmental considerations of managing intense sunlight and to maximize views across Singapore. The landscape and its facilities are organised in bands that respond to the existing alignments of the main axis surrounding the site which. These primary axes are extended within the site to generate a series of lines that define different landscape themes, giving many diverse experiences throughout the whole site.
The towers are subdivided into ‘petals’ according to the number of residential units per floor enabling a very large diversity of apartments. The generative floor plan of the petal changes shape along the height of the tower in relation to the different configuration and type of residential units. The changing composition of unit type enables the towers to respond to a series of parameters dictated by site conditions, internal organization and structural optimization.
D’Leedon’s design turns the challenges of the site to the advantage for residents, embrace the concept of differentiation and individuality, where single apartments have been customized and specifically designed according to their location and position within the site, as well as the requirements of the residents.
This customization creates a vibrant setting for the residents through high differentiation at different scales of design: from the towers ‘petal’ configuration to the vertical expression of the facades and the articulated sky penthouses and garden units at the base, the design brings together concepts of individuality, differentiation and continuity.

Le sette torri si sviluppano da aree verdi private che sorgono al di sotto del livello stradale. In corrispondenza dei piani più bassi le torri seguono una torsione che dà maggiore risalto al punto in cui gli edifici sorgono dal suolo, punto in cui l’ingombro della struttura è minore. Ne risultano ampie aree all’aperto dove trovano spazio numerosi giardini privati. Osservate in pianta, le torri appaiono suddivise in “petali”, ciascuno corrispondente ad una delle unità residenziali ospitate per piano. Tale suddivisione disegna in altezza più torri che risultano affiancate l’una all’altra. Osservando il prospetto delle sette torri, si notano dei tagli verticali che sembrano separare dei volumi tridimensionali. Si tratta delle geometrie cui danno forma i petali di ciascun piano sviluppandosi in altezza l’uno sull’altro.

Project Architects Michele Pasca di Magliano, Viviana Muscettola Project Manager Charles Walker Project Team Effie Kuan, Bozana Komljenovic, Sophie Le Bienvenu, Helen Lee, Kelly Lee, Evan Erlebacher, Ludovico Lombardi, Annarita Pape schi, Hoon Lee, Clara Martins, Dominiki Dadatsi, Eleni Pavlido Federico Dunkelberg, Gorka Blas, Loreto Flores, Hee Seung Lee, Feng Lin, Jose M. Monfa, Sandra Riess, Selahattin Tuysuz, Zhong Tian, Ta-Kang Hsu, Emily Chang

CONSULTANTS: M&E Engineering (Concept) Max Fordham, London Landscape Architect (Concept) GROSSMAX, Edinburgh Local Architect RSP, Singapore Structural Engineering Maunsell, Singapore M&E Engineering BECA, Singapore Landscape Architect ICN, Singapore Quantity Surveyor DLS, Singapore SIZE: Gross Floor Area 220.000 sqm towers + 70.000 sqm basement Height of towers 150m

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    D`Leedon, Singapore comprises 7 residential towers, 12 semi-detached villas and integrated landscaping with recreation facilities.The towers taper inwards as they reach the ground to optimize public space; a unique petal-shaped layout which allows for windows on three sides of the apartments to give the highest quality of living for all residents with cross-air flows to the living rooms and bedrooms – as well as natural ventilation in all kitchens and bathrooms; varied balcony geometries...

    Project details
    • Year 2014
    • Work finished in 2014
    • Status Unrealised proposals
    • Type Apartments / Tower blocks/Skyscrapers
    • Websitehttp://www.zaha-hadid.com
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