2,5³ | chmara.rosinke
living cube Austria / 2013
2,5³ is a minimal living cube. Its inspiration reaches the 60´s and 70´s when many architects and designers were concerned about the idea of modular and mobile living structures and wanted to revolutionarize social canons. A negation of consumerism and the idea of contemporary nomadism has lead that time to various visionary concepts like modular micro-houses of Ken Isaacs, Joe Colombos multifunctional „total furnishing unit” or the „living cube“ concept of Papanek and Hennessey.
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2,5³ is a minimal living cube. Its inspiration reaches the 60´s and 70´s when many architects and designers were concerned about the idea of modular and mobile living structures and wanted to revolutionarize social canons. A negation of consumerism and the idea of contemporary nomadism has lead that time to various visionary concepts like modular micro-houses of Ken Isaacs, Joe Colombos multifunctional „total furnishing unit” or the „living cube“ concept of Papanek and Hennessey.
- Year 2013
- Work finished in 2013
- Main structure Wood
- Status Completed works
- Type Furniture design / self-production design