London Design Festival 2013 United Kingdom / 2013

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OMBRO is a collection of tables that uses a visual game created by two perpendiculars, perforated metal surfaces forming an illusion of movement. The bottom grill can be also used as storage offering full or partial cover of the objects stored underneath. The OMBRO collection is derived from studying the relationship between indoors and outdoors. STUDIOLAV is focusing on what is interfering between them. The simple geometry of layers and patterns, created by doors, shutters and railings, are synthesizing a natural and visual boundary between the inside and the outside when overlapping.
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    OMBRO is a collection of tables that uses a visual game created by two perpendiculars, perforated metal surfaces forming an illusion of movement. The bottom grill can be also used as storage offering full or partial cover of the objects stored underneath. The OMBRO collection is derived from studying the relationship between indoors and outdoors. STUDIOLAV is focusing on what is interfering between them. The simple geometry of layers and patterns, created by doors, shutters and railings, are...

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Work finished in 2013
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Product design / self-production design
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