Born on November 15, 1982 in Florence. He carried out his studies entirely in Florence, graduating in 2001 at the Antonio Gramsci State Scientific High School. He attended the Faculty of Architecture, at the University of Florence, graduating in December 2015 with a score of 108/110, discussing the thesis entitled: “The Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Integrated surveys Experiences ", developed within a research project promoted by the University of Florence and the University of Pavia, at the request of the restoration firm Piacenti S.p.a. (Prato), responsible for the restoration of the vestments and wooden trusses of the Basilica. Supervisor Prof. Arch. Stefano Bertocci. • Since 2015 he has participated in research missions for architectural documentation in Palestine and the Holy Land, developing acquisition and representation systems for monumental complexes, decorative systems and urban census databases ". • Since August 2016 she has been Research Fellow, at the DIDA Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, for the Scheduling and Census program of the Urban District of Salah al Din st. within the PURE - Productivity and Urban Renewal in Eastern Jerusalem project "Urban and Architectural survey for the area and buildings in Sultan Suleiman and Salah Eddin Street in Jerusalem(Israel). Project promoted and sponsored by the European Union, by Islamic Development Bank, under the coordination of UNDP. • In October 2016 he began his PhD in Architecture, Survey and Representation curriculum of Architecture and the Environment, XXXIIth Cycle. • In October 2017 he won a two-year scholarship, at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Pavia, for the research program on the "Census and survey of fortified structures in the city of Verona" within a program of studies started in 2016. • March 2020 He obtained the title of PhD in Architecture, Cycle XXXII, with honors for the originality of the chosen topic, at the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, discussing the PhD thesis entitled: The Walls of Verona. The digital survey for the protection and enhancement of the UNESCO heritage
Becherini Pietro
Architect Florence / Italy

Born on November 15, 1982 in Florence. He carried out his studies entirely in Florence, graduating in 2001 at the Antonio Gramsci State Scientific High School. He attended the Faculty of Architecture, at the University of Florence, graduating in December 2015 with a score of 108/110, discussing the thesis entitled: “The Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Integrated surveys Experiences ", developed within a research project promoted by the University of Florence and the University of Pavia, at the request of the restoration firm Piacenti S.p.a. (Prato), responsible for the restoration of the vestments and wooden trusses of the Basilica. Supervisor Prof. Arch. Stefano Bertocci.
• Since 2015 he has participated in research missions for architectural documentation in Palestine and the Holy Land, developing acquisition and representation systems for monumental complexes, decorative systems and urban census databases ".
• Since August 2016 she has been Research Fellow, at the DIDA Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, for the Scheduling and Census program of the Urban District of Salah al Din st. within the PURE - Productivity and Urban Renewal in Eastern Jerusalem project "Urban and Architectural survey for the area and buildings in Sultan Suleiman and Salah Eddin Street in Jerusalem(Israel). Project promoted and sponsored by the European Union, by Islamic Development Bank, under the coordination of UNDP.
• In October 2016 he began his PhD in Architecture, Survey and Representation curriculum
of Architecture and the Environment, XXXIIth Cycle.
• In October 2017 he won a two-year scholarship, at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Pavia, for the research program on the "Census and survey of fortified structures in the city of Verona" within a program of studies started in 2016.
• March 2020 He obtained the title of PhD in Architecture, Cycle XXXII, with honors for the originality of the chosen topic, at the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, discussing the PhD thesis entitled: The Walls of Verona. The digital survey for the protection and enhancement of the UNESCO heritage
• Since 2015 he has participated in research missions for architectural documentation in Palestine and the Holy Land, developing acquisition and representation systems for monumental complexes, decorative systems and urban census databases ".
• Since August 2016 she has been Research Fellow, at the DIDA Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, for the Scheduling and Census program of the Urban District of Salah al Din st. within the PURE - Productivity and Urban Renewal in Eastern Jerusalem project "Urban and Architectural survey for the area and buildings in Sultan Suleiman and Salah Eddin Street in Jerusalem(Israel). Project promoted and sponsored by the European Union, by Islamic Development Bank, under the coordination of UNDP.
• In October 2016 he began his PhD in Architecture, Survey and Representation curriculum
of Architecture and the Environment, XXXIIth Cycle.
• In October 2017 he won a two-year scholarship, at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Pavia, for the research program on the "Census and survey of fortified structures in the city of Verona" within a program of studies started in 2016.
• March 2020 He obtained the title of PhD in Architecture, Cycle XXXII, with honors for the originality of the chosen topic, at the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, discussing the PhD thesis entitled: The Walls of Verona. The digital survey for the protection and enhancement of the UNESCO heritage