Modelart Arhitekti

Architect Novi Sad / Serbia

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Modelart Arhitekti 20
Modelart Arhitekti
Our work is based on constant research and experimentation through all phases of the project. We consider architecture as the process that does not end with the realization/construction, but continues throughout the life of the facility and interacting with users. That’s why we focus on relationships with clients and users of space, so the social dimension of architecture plays an important role in our work. Our approach to architecture is workshop-like, each project is a special challenge, and
Modelart Arhitekti
Modelart Arhitekti

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Our work is based on constant research and experimentation through all phases of the project. We consider architecture as the process that does not end with the realization/construction, but continues throughout the life of the facility and interacting with users. That’s why we focus on relationships with clients and users of space, so the social dimension of architecture plays an important role in our work. Our approach to architecture is workshop-like, each project is a special challenge, and