Miguel Flores Soeiro

Interior designer Lisbon / Portugal

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Miguel Flores Soeiro 2
Miguel Flores Soeiro
By focusing on simplicity, Miguel challenges conventional design. Traditional materials are the starting point of each creative process however, Miguel gives an informal, contemporary yet timeless edge to the final product. His approach of outstanding flexibility, versatility and his capacity to adapt to the final consumer’s needs permits endless solutions on different scales, ranging from small individual pieces to large interior spaces.
Miguel Flores Soeiro
Miguel Flores Soeiro
Teams 2 teams

By focusing on simplicity, Miguel challenges conventional design. Traditional materials are the starting point of each creative process however, Miguel gives an informal, contemporary yet timeless edge to the final product. His approach of outstanding flexibility, versatility and his capacity to adapt to the final consumer’s needs permits endless solutions on different scales, ranging from small individual pieces to large interior spaces.