Linda Krūmiņa

Architect Riga / Latvia

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Linda Krūmiņa 12
Linda Krūmiņa
Studied at Riga Technical university Faculty of Architecture, Royal Danish academy of Arts school of Architecture. Professional experience gained working at Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter (DK), Henning Larsens Tegnestue (DK), Design Group (DK), Arhitektonika (LV), AKA birojs (LV). Participated in numerous architectural workshops in Latvia and abroad. Member of Latvian Association of Architects.
Linda Krūmiņa
Linda Krūmiņa
Teams 1 teams

Studied at Riga Technical university Faculty of Architecture, Royal Danish academy of Arts school of Architecture. Professional experience gained working at Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter (DK), Henning Larsens Tegnestue (DK), Design Group (DK), Arhitektonika (LV), AKA birojs (LV). Participated in numerous architectural workshops in Latvia and abroad. Member of Latvian Association of Architects.