Guto Requena

Architect Sorocaba / Brazil

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Guto Requena 33
Guto Requena
Estudio Guto Requena reflects about memory, digital culture and poetic narratives in all design scales. Guto, 34 years old, was born in Sorocaba, countryside of Sao Paulo State. He graduated as Architect and Urban Planner in 2003 at USP - University of São Paulo. During nine years he was a researcher at NOMADS.USP – Center for Interactive Living Studies of the University of São Paulo. In 2007 he got his Master degree at the same University with the dissertation, “Hybrid Habitation: Interactivity
Guto Requena
Guto Requena

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Estudio Guto Requena reflects about memory, digital culture and poetic narratives in all design scales. Guto, 34 years old, was born in Sorocaba, countryside of Sao Paulo State. He graduated as Architect and Urban Planner in 2003 at USP - University of São Paulo. During nine years he was a researcher at NOMADS.USP – Center for Interactive Living Studies of the University of São Paulo. In 2007 he got his Master degree at the same University with the dissertation, “Hybrid Habitation: Interactivity