Gretta Bahout

Interior designer Metn / Lebanon

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Gretta Bahout
G R E T T A C. B A H O U T
I n t e r i o r D e s i g n e r

I studied Interior Design and got my certificates from a technical institute as a TS 3 degree and my BA after finishing my studies in the university too.

I would like to utilize my lively energetic attitude and my creativity in completing interior design projects.

Currently working as a freelancer
Gretta Bahout
Gretta Bahout

G R E T T A C. B A H O U T I n t e r i o r D e s i g n e r I studied Interior Design and got my certificates from a technical institute as a TS 3 degree and my BA after finishing my studies in the university too. I would like to utilize my lively energetic attitude and my creativity in completing interior design projects. Currently working as a freelancer