Fulvio Gregorio Addeo
Architect Camposano / Italy
- Address Via delle mimose, 80030 Camposano | Italy
- Tel 0818233234
- Fax 0818233234
- Architectural Design
- Architectural restoration, conservation
- Temporary architecture, installations
- Structural analysis of civil buildings
- Structural tests, inspections
- Road design
- Electrical system design
- Water / Heating system design
- Energy, networks and telecommunications
- Acoustics, noise control
- Urban design
- Landscape Architecture
- Spatial planning and environmental protection
- Environmental Impact Assessments
- Works management
- Construction site safety management
- Site and building surveying
- Topography, Cartography
- Land registry
- Bill of quantities, accounting
- Surveys and technical advice
- Real Estate Valuation
- Project Management
- Project Financing
- Facility Management and Global Service
- Business consulting and organizational
- Quality control
- Furniture and Interior Design
- Interior lighting
- Industrial Design
- CAD and 3d modelling
- Graphics, computer art
- Architectural Modelling