Clínica de Arquitectura
Architect Porto / Portugal

Clínica de Arquitectura stands for the idea that architecture practice is not about the design of perfect and untouchable works of art. It is about the fulfillment of dreams and the solution of problems. It is about searching the best answer to a very specific question. And this is usually a complex search, involving several variables and specialists. But it is always about searching the right answer for a particular person and with that person.
And we create these answers in beautiful ways.

Clínica de Arquitectura stands for the idea that architecture practice is not about the design of perfect and untouchable works of art. It is about the fulfillment of dreams and the solution of problems. It is about searching the best answer to a very specific question. And this is usually a complex search, involving several variables and specialists. But it is always about searching the right answer for a particular person and with that person. And we create these answers in beautiful ways.