Behrooz Nemati

Architect United States / United States

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Behrooz Nemati 3
Behrooz Nemati
R.Q.Tech -( Refulgent Quality of Technology ) company has started as B N A Inc. Based in Dubai
in 2000 and since 2013 in USA, which is now a worldwide practice as a design and construction company with 15 years of experience in residential and commercial Architectural and Construction projects.
Behrooz Nemati
Behrooz Nemati
  • Address 2260 Homestead Ct Los Altos CA 94024 United States | United States
Teams 1 teams

R.Q.Tech -( Refulgent Quality of Technology ) company has started as B N A Inc. Based in Dubai in 2000 and since 2013 in USA, which is now a worldwide practice as a design and construction company with 15 years of experience in residential and commercial Architectural and Construction projects.