Alvaro Wolmer

Designer São Paulo / Brazil

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Alvaro Wolmer
Name: Álvaro Wolmer
Birth year and location: 1956, Limeira, SP, Brazil.
Education background: Architect, University of São Paulo School of Architecture (FAUUSP), 1983
Woodworking background: FAUUSP Laboratory of Models and Tests, from 1977 to 1983.
Main Activities: Designer of furniture and objects for various use produced in small number of pieces by Álvaro Wolmer Movelaria Fina Ltda., a company founded in 1985. Consultancy in design, woodworking and carpentry. Design and assemblage of art
Alvaro Wolmer
Alvaro Wolmer
  • Address Rua Ministro Godoy 860, Ap. 3141, 05015 000 São Paulo | Brazil
  • Tel +551138379288
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Name: Álvaro Wolmer Birth year and location: 1956, Limeira, SP, Brazil. Education background: Architect, University of São Paulo School of Architecture (FAUUSP), 1983 Woodworking background: FAUUSP Laboratory of Models and Tests, from 1977 to 1983. Main Activities: Designer of furniture and objects for various use produced in small number of pieces by Álvaro Wolmer Movelaria Fina Ltda., a company founded in 1985. Consultancy in design, woodworking and carpentry. Design and assemblage of art