Alessandro Quaranta

Reseller/Dealer/Agent Manduria / Italy

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Alessandro Quaranta 1
Alessandro Quaranta
What I like to do: Sourcing materials and products, monitoring bespoke manufacturing via our suppliers partners, designer’s guidance consultancy, branding expertise, high-end clientele and international relationships, are the essence Eyes design It is committed to. I aspire to personalize, tailor and supply through our unique services, delivery, timing, quality control, flow of information throughout the whole process and a very personalized service.
Alessandro Quaranta
Alessandro Quaranta
  • Address s.s. 7 ter km 20.200, 74024 Manduria | Italy
  • Tel 00390999737128

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What I like to do: Sourcing materials and products, monitoring bespoke manufacturing via our suppliers partners, designer’s guidance consultancy, branding expertise, high-end clientele and international relationships, are the essence Eyes design It is committed to. I aspire to personalize, tailor and supply through our unique services, delivery, timing, quality control, flow of information throughout the whole process and a very personalized service.