Alessandro Marini

Engineer Milan / Italy

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Alessandro Marini 7
Alessandro Marini
He has a professional experience in BIM technology applied to medium/large scale buildings; he is actually focusing on the parametric and algorithmic design, very interested in complex shapes management and automatization of project flows.
He graduated in Architectural Engineering in March 2016 with full marks (110/110 cum laude) presenting a thesis about the integrated (architectural and structural) rehabilitation. The work has been primarily developed during a period of study in the Netherlan
Alessandro Marini
Alessandro Marini

He has a professional experience in BIM technology applied to medium/large scale buildings; he is actually focusing on the parametric and algorithmic design, very interested in complex shapes management and automatization of project flows. He graduated in Architectural Engineering in March 2016 with full marks (110/110 cum laude) presenting a thesis about the integrated (architectural and structural) rehabilitation. The work has been primarily developed during a period of study in the Netherlan